Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Me Manifesto; Blog Conclusion

After reading ten points of Karim Rashid's, a creative design specialist/artist, creativity manifesto, or Karimanifesto, I was inspired to come up with ten points of my own.

1.  Be Yourself.  The most important thing is to embrace what makes you you and not try to change the stuff that people thing is "wrong"

2.  Do not force your creative process.  Chances are you'll never think of anything original if you try to force something out.

3.  Experience life.  They say to draw from your experiences, and if you haven't experienced life you won't be able to better yourself.  Go on an adventure.

4.  Don't think yourself better than others.  You can learn a lot from other people and if you spurn them you risk missing out on interesting things that may influence your work.

5.  Consume media regularly.  The more you read books/play games/watch movies, the more things you will be able to draw from.

6.  Save everything.  Every little idea that pops into your head, every doodle you make and every creative thought you have, you should store away.  You never know when you might need it later or might discover it again in your records and make something great out of it.

7.  Never be content with your final products.  Contentment can lead to complacency and that can lead to you never trying to better yourself and your work since you are "content"

8.  Cooperate with others.  People working in groups can critique each other and play off each other's strengths to ultimately assist in their betterment.

9.  Patience.  Rome wasn't built in a day, and your work won't improve overnight.  Keep at it and you'll eventually find you've improved a lot.

10.  Be passionate about your work.  Don't be afraid to show off your work to the world.  After all, what's the point of being creative if you can't share your fruits with others.

Well, it's definitely been an interesting experience being in MDIA 203 these past 10 weeks.  The work was time consuming and difficult, but I think that was probably for the best.  It really made me think about my place in the world of media and I think that it has help me grown as a creative person.  Despite all the bitching I've done about these blogs under my breath, I'm a little sad about ending it.  If I could, I'd probably continue on with it, but given my track record of waiting till the last second to do my blogs every time, I probably wouldn't be very punctual about updating it.  Maybe in the future I might start this blog up again, or even start a brand new one.  The future holds many possibilities, and the chips will fall where they may.

~Adios     ~Sayonara     ~Live Long And Prosper

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging in mind Colin, it's a marketable quality to have!
